Mother's Day 2003 at Neibert
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Here are some photos of normal Mother's Day activities in good 'ole Neibert Bottom
This first pic is of an annual event we have every Mother's Day. Its called, "Mother's Day Tree Falling On Tim's House Day Event" Here's the tree we picked this year to fall on Tim's house.

As you can see, this year we picked a doozy!

This tree stood for years and years, awaiting its fateful Mother's Day celebration when it would fall on Tim's house. Check out the next few picks for an up close and personal look at the destruction, carnage, and utter chaos.
We like it when the road is blocked

The tree fall this year blocked the interstate which runs right through Neibert Bottom. All one lane was blocked for a seemingly everlasting hour and a half! Good thing we could go around it on the tracks.
Roots? I don't see no roots!

This tree deserved to fall on Tim's house. One thing we take seriously at Neibert Bottom is our heritage; you know, our roots, and this tree had none. Good Riddance you Neibertian Poser Tree!
The Mayor came out to inspect the damage

Neibert Bottom's fearless leader, Mayor Jabbo, came out to view the destruction and try to subdue some of the chaos and mass looting which was taking place due to this natural disaster.
The Mayor declared Neibert in a State of Emergency...

and crews came to assess the situation. Cleanup began immediately, and in no time at all that vigalante tree had been removed. No more would it reek havoc on us Neibertians. All was once again calm and peaceful, except for...
The path of terror left in its wake

This destructive force dealt to Tim's house was one that has been unseen in past "Mother's Day Tree Falling On Tim's House Day Events". We will all remember the total lack of regard for human life this tree expressed. In years past, smaller trees have fallen on this day, each cutting its own path into the history of Mother's Day in Neibert Bottom, but none so vicious, so brutal, as the tree that fell Mother's Day, 2003.
One more look into the eyes of chaos

Here's one last look at the result of this year's event. Hopefully the trees will learn a lesson and not be so terror-ridden during next year's Mother's Day.
Here are some more pics of Neibertians on Mother's Day

From left to right are: Tim, Lee, Steve, and Garrin. We are there as spectators to the big event listed above; well, except for Tim, his house got smushed.
One of our favorite pastimes

We at Neibert like to stand beside and sit on trucks. This particular truck happens to be mine. These particular stand besiders and sit onners happen to be David, Tim, Ryan, Garrin, and Justin. Well.
Here's my truck w/o the standers and sitter onners

This is my truck. It is in desperate need of a good warshin', which I plan to do this summer, whether it still needs it or not.
Thought the fun was over, DIDN'T YOU!

Here's about a 4-foot black snake my dad caught out of the flower garden. I said "He's a naughty little snake, oh look he's trying to bite ya mate", and then he bit my dad on his hand. Dad liked it though and continued to gaze into the snake's eyes until they fell in love.
Here come Spanky and Sparky

No, this isn't really Spanky and Sparky, it's Brad and Robby. They are riding a 4-Wheeler. Can you say 4-Wheeler? I can, see?
This is Bradley on his Bradley combat vehicle

It's not really a combat vehicle, but it really is Bradley, the person, not the 4-Wheeler. Brad is not a native Neibertian, but he loves it here, and has been inducted to Neibert as one of us. Nice hat and sunglasses. Perhaps I can interest you in a fine T-shirt I have recently acquired (Neibertians will get that).
That's all for now...
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